I went to Santa Monica today. I hung out on the pier for a little while, which is equipped with its own roller coaster, Ferris wheel, and food court, and then I went on the beach to read, listen to music, and admire the Pacific Ocean. I had a lot of fun, and luckily I did not get too sunburned! When I got back to my apartment, I walked down to San Vincente and got some supper at a small cafe in downtown Brentwood. Last weekend, I found a neat outdoor mall just outside of Beverly Hills with the nicest movie theater ever. This was a big deal to me because I am a huge movie buff (something that I have inherited from my father) and so I plan to spend a lot of time there this summer. It had three stories and had assigned seating! I saw Prince of Persia. It was great! I am not a shopper, but if I were it would be easy for me to do so since I drive right past Rodeo Drive on my way to work each day.
There is never a shortage of things to do in L.A. However, in addition to working full-time during the week and having fun on the weekends, I have to find time to cook, clean, wash clothes, iron, go to the grocery store, exercise, and study. It is a little different from being at Wofford where my meals are made for me each day and I can get my clothes washed every time I go home to visit. I like it though. I am truly living in the "real world," and it is great practice for the future.
One thing that I really like about L.A. is the interesting and eclectic group of people that I interact with on a daily basis. At the lab I am working in I get the opportunity to work closely with people of many different races and backgrounds. Each person has his/her own ideas, beliefs, and languages. I have enjoyed getting to know my labmates and many other people at Cedars-Sinai. L.A. is really teaching me that we truly do live in an internationally oriented world, and that advances in science, economics, and politics are made much easier when all people work together in a spirit of cooperation and brotherhood.
Even though I am a Woodruff boy and I am used to the slower pace of Spartanburg, South Carolina, I really love L.A. Sure it is busy, crowded, and crazy at times, but it is also beautiful, fun, and an exciting place to live and work. Oh and by the way...GO LAKERS!!!!!!!!!! NBA CHAMPS!!!!!!!!!!